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Specifications for master Dvd

The quality of our duplications is guaranteed by electronic control systems, which are carried out on every single copy produced by us, verifying the perfect correspondence between copy and master.
Before proceeding with the duplication, the master is subjected to conformity tests by electronic analysis of a long series of parameters and if these are not optimal, the master is discarded.
While in the past the master had to be necessarily sent on a physical medium, today the new technologies and fast internet connections allow the masters to be sent on-line in specific disk image formats, without prejudice to the possibility of supply on a disk medium.

We can accept masters sent online only if made in the following formats:
- DDP: for the production of video dvd (accepted for any edition)
- ISO: for the production of data dvd and video dvd (accepted for any edition)
- NRG: for the production of data dvd and video dvd (accepted only for print runs of less than 300 copies)

Together with the ISO, DDP and NRG files, you must send the .md5 file, necessary to verify that the material sent and that downloaded by us are perfectly matched. For the generation of the .md5 file it is possible to download free software from the net

- Use quality media DVD-r.
- Burn the disc at low speed (insert the disc in the burner and only AFTER it has been recognized select the minimum speed among those available).
- Burn the disc in "DISC AT ONCE" mode (do not use "track at once").
- The master must be completed in one session and closed (no longer writable)
- Do not use rewritable discs (RW).
- Create 2 identical copies of the master, which are not one copy of the other and check that audio, pauses, titles, ISRC codes, etc, are exactly as desired.
- Do not apply labels on the disc.
- Sign the master with a suitable marker
- To protect the master from damage during transport, use a rigid package and possibly send it in a padded envelope with bubble wrap)

For any doubt you can contact our technical service by writing an email to: or by calling the telephone numbers that you will find on the "contacts" page.

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